Rogue Wallet Co (Div of Tower Publishing)
Standish — Working out of a solar-powered workshop in Standish, Maine, Rogue industry has been making revolutionary wallet designs since 2007. Founder Michael Lyons was unhappy with his bulky back pocket wallet, which he was convinced was causing his lower back pain. He decided to do something about it, despite having no experience in leather-working.
Michael began learning about leather and design. He obtained two patents on a front pocket wallet design that was shaped to fit the cut of your front pants pocket. He made prototypes to show friends, family and strangers and got encouraging feedback - product testers thought it was a smarter design and a more comfortable way to carry. So he decided to go for it. As the company grew, he visited trade shows with a wallet that didn't look like any other. And that's how the Rogue Industries was born!
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